Congratulation Dave. 50 Years of Fowlers!

Last month we celebrated with Dave on reaching an amazing  milestone, over 50!!! years with Fowlers! WOW… what an achievement.

Dave is at the heart of Fowlers, from setting & operating presses, running CNC machines and hand fitting, Dave can put his hand to anything, he is very versatile!  The experience and knowledge that he brings is outstanding, he is our longest serving employee, he knows the company inside out and understands what it takes to keep our customers happy.

It is fair to say that Dave has had a tremendous part to play in the success of Fowlers, as we all know a company is nothing without its staff, we see Dave as the end of an era, it is unusual these days to see employees stay with a company for such a long period, his loyalty, hard work and friendship has meant so much to the company and his colleagues at Fowlers.

We wish you all the best for the future Dave, and here is to the next 50 years

Well done!!


Thank you Dave